3dbuildings » ONEGEO

Jul 13, 2022


As you all know, 3dbuildings is a reliable source for comprehensive global building data. Because of your continued support, we’ve been able to push the boundaries of building data since 2018.

In the coming months, we’ll be undergoing some changes, particularly when it comes to our company name. We’re happy to share with you that 3dbuildings will transition into a new company, ONEGEO GmbH. This change is founded on the need for a new legal framework. However, everything that you’ve come to know and love about 3dbuildings will stay the same, from our data to our service.

Thank you for supporting 3dbuildings. We’re looking forward to working with you in the future as ONEGEO GmbH.

You may want to update your bookmarks to https://onegeo.co/ But all 3dbuildings links and assets will continue to work.

